Caller Directory

Caller Directory

Need a caller for your dance event? You can contact one of our Bloomington callers below.

Patrick Blackstone

Contact: blackstonep924ATgmailDOTcom

Roles: larks/robins

Additional information: I’m relatively new to calling, having started in summer 2022. I’ve called a handful of full evenings at the BOTMDG weekly dances, in addition to some open calling nights in Bloomington and away at dance weekends. Excited to explore this skill further!

David Ernst

Contact: david.ernstATdavidernstDOTnet

Roles: ladies/gents

Tamara Loewenthal

Contact: tamaradancerATgmailDOTcom; 812-219-1890

Roles: Can use any—lead/follow, larks/robins, gents/ladies—it depends on the crowd.

Additional information: I call and teach contras, squares, circle dances (including mixers), waltzes, salsa, clogging, play party games for kids/families, body percussion—and I teach to every level, beginners to advanced, kids and families. I love calling for established dance groups as well as for weddings, club gatherings, anniversary and birthday parties, conferences, etc.


Mark Richardson

Contact: tallercallerATgmailDOTcom; 812-331-0608 (leave message)

Roles: Larks/robins or ladies/gents.

Additional information: I generally call/teach contra dance, but also work mixers, circles, and squares into the program. Beginners to advanced. Original and time-honored dances, with an emphasis on a smooth flow.

Kyla Wargel

Contact: kylawargelATgmailDOTcom

Roles: Larks/robins or positional/no roles. ladies/gents upon request.

Additional information: I facilitate play, expression, and connection through dance. I especially enjoy introducing new people to community social dancing, and I love calling dances for groups of mixed ages and ability levels at parties, community events, living room hangouts, and backyard barbecues. I calls contra, longways sets, circle dances, mixers, and square dances.


Katie Zukof

Contact: katie.zukofATgmailDOTcom; 812-325-1787

Roles: Larks/robins or gents/ladies or no role terms.

Additional information: I am an experienced caller who has been calling for almost 15 years. I call and teach at a wide range of events including contradances throughout the midwest and south, family dance programs at public libraries and schools, family dance camps such as Pinewoods, Cumberland Dance Week and Terpsichore’s Dance Holiday. I also have experience calling for beginners (circles, mixers, simple longways dances) at weddings and other special events. I am an elementary school teacher and am in my third year of leading a dance club for kids in grades K–6. I especially enjoy working with children and have a special fondness for historical contra dances (chestnuts).

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