Wednesday Dances




Please see our home page for the latest information.

  • When: Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
  • Location: Harmony School, 909 E 2nd St, Bloomington, IN 47401
  • Entrance fee: by sliding scale donation, with a suggested range from $3 to $20. We hope that everyone will give at least something because the event is sustained by the community. We estimate that if everyone were to give $10, we would break even after paying the rental fee and the performers. Donations may be made online or at the door.
  • Striving Toward Safe Space Policy: We hope to create a dance in which everyone feels safe and welcome. Please take a moment to review our policy on respect and consent.
  • Membership: Membership is optional. Both members and non-members pay a sliding scale entrance fee, see above. Members are able to vote at the annual meeting in January and attend and make comment at monthly board meetings. The membership fee helps to support BOTMDG and keep us going on weeks when donations are not enough to cover the cost of our dances. Becoming a member is easy!
    1) Fill out a membership form at the dance.
    2) Pay $10 either at the dance or online (free for those 15 and under).
  • Vaccination Policy: As of May 31, 2023, we are no longer requiring proof of COVID vaccination.
  • Masks Encouraged: Additionally, masks are required if you have been exposed to COVID recently.
  • Stay home if you…
    • have symptoms of COVID (which could also mean cold or flu symptoms), regardless of whether or not you tested for COVID
    • first tested positive for COVID within the last 5 days, even without symptoms
    • first tested positive for COVID more than 5 days ago and still have a fever, and/or your symptoms are not yet getting better
  • Exercise caution and wear a mask if… 
    • you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive (spent more than 15 minutes less than 6 feet away from them, without masks on, indoors, or spent 20 minutes or more in intense conversation or close proximity even outdoors, without masks on)
      • err on the conservative side
      • watch yourself for symptoms
      • take a COVID test on day 5.
    • If the exposure happened within 5 days of the dance, it is probably wisest to stay home then, too, until you have a chance to test yourself. Please note that this is more conservative than the CDC’s guidelines at this point.
  • Notify us if…
    • you are diagnosed with COVID-19 within 10 days of attending any BOTMDG event, please let the board know, at, within 24 hours of your diagnosis if you possibly can, so that we can inform others.

Please see the BOTMDG newsletter, Google calendar, or Facebook page for details. If you have questions or would like to sign up for the newsletter, contact us


Volunteers are always welcome! Sign up with a dance coordinator for set-up or clean-up if you’d like! Many of us also go out for drinks and munchies after each Wednesday night dance.

BOTMDG childcare responsibilities at Harmony School: You are most welcome to bring your children with you to BOTMDG dances. However, please remember that you are responsible for them while they’re at the dance. We are obligated to Harmony School not to allow children to roam the hallways and stairwells unchaperoned or left unattended.


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